Métal, caoutchouc ,pierres, papiers noirs et blancs
No way out
Panneaux de circulation en aluminium
Papiers, plastiques
Respiration libre
Caisson aluminium, néon et adhésif
Sens et contre sens
Bois découpé collé
Une flèche peut en cacher une autre
Caisson aluminium, néon et adhésif
Adhésif blanc
40x 250cm
Sens et contre sens
sens bois découpé collé
The theme of the arrow is at the center of this exhibition and thus closes the many philosophical arguments or existential fumblings that I do not venture to explain when I am questioned about one painting or another.
Whether it is a simple form or a complex tangle, arrows are a visual signal whose outer envelope hides a multitude of meanings, conducive to a stylistic exercise (follow the arrow, one arrow can hide another) in a place that lends itself particularly well to it; the hall of the French Institute of Casablanca being a real crossroads with four starting points and four return points…
The staging in this space illustrates a world of unsupervised freedom, of free breathing, where one can come and go at will in absolute mobility and affirm, why not, one's secret desire for transgression.
All around us, signage paintings, installations, illuminated signs... The space becomes a multidimensional field, where the exhibited works allow us to retrace a path, a story but also to understand the importance of the return; and even more, to become aware that each thing needs its opposite and finally, in an eternal balance, find balance, unity.